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CPR/AED Training

Bowdoin offers employees the opportunity to take potentially life-saving cardiopulmonary resuscitation (CPR) and automatic external defibrillation (AED) training conveniently right on campus several times a year. 

Our trainers user American Red Cross CPR/AED programs that are designed to give you the confidence to respond in an emergency situation with skills that can save a life. The current class offering is a blended learning course that includes a 2-hour online class followed by a 2.5-hour instructor-led classroom skill session.

This course will prepare participant to recognize and care for a variety of first aid breathing and cardiac emergencies and includes:

  • Call and work with emergency medical services
  • Perform CPR and care for breathing and cardiac emergencies
  • Avoid bloodborne pathogen exposure
  • Learn the role of AEDs

For the schedule of upcoming classes, contact the Office of Environmental Health and Safety (207-725-3763 or Reservations for these popular trainings fill up quickly, so if you are interested, sign up as soon as you see a session you can attend.